Club Room

Welcome to the new Clan Wood Society Blog

Posted on Tuesday Nov 11 0:00:00 GMT 2008
       Hello and welcome to the Clan Wood Society Blog space. My name is Steve Wood and I am one of your elected Council Members. I will also be one of the Moderators for the Blog Space. From time to time, the Society will post here articles of interest to members. Some of these articles may be available in other parts of the Society website and some may not. The difference about this space is that you as a member can comment on the posts found here. You can also post informative items or questions of your own that are relevant to the Clan and the Society.  We would, however, like to ask you to remember that your posts are visible to members of many different age groups and backgrounds, so please help us to keep the Blog space family friendly. Posts will be monitored for content, and any inappropriate posts will be removed by moderators. Thank you for your assistance, and enjoy the Blog.   Tutus in Undis!

Open Discussion Thread

Posted on

Members may post any comments, questions etc. they like on this thread, as long as they are suitable for all eyes that is. Tutus in undis. :)  - Steve ( Moderator )